Saturday, October 18, 2008

When Strangers Fail To Scare

One sleepy night and I can't fall asleep, I figured that I'll watch a movie so that maybe it can lull me to close my eyes spend the night away in dream land. This such movie is "The Strangers".

Said movie failed to make me sleep.

The trailer on the television made me say like, "Wow, I have got to see that movie. In the theaters, no less." That's how kickass the trailer was. And that music playing over and over? Creepy.

The movie starts out mysteriously, as we slowly learn that the hero boy did'nt get a yes from hero girl after a proposal. So that's why they are acting so weird. Weird too, that a couple could still stay for a night even if the girl did not accept the guys proposal, in an isolated house apparently in the middle of nowhere.

Then suddenly, a lost lady asks for Tamara, whoever she is, maybe she meant "Samara", from the "The Ring" movies. The pair should have been warned by then.

In all stupidity, they followed the instruction manual for "Living in a Technicolor Nightmare" and did not do the logical thing, to stay together, barricade the house, have some wine, and uh.... let's not get there.

Apparently, the "Strangers" is a family of weirdos, straight out of generic land. Wow! The Guy With a Mask Has an Axe!!! Very original!

In the end we have three bodies( one is the bestfriend of the hero boy who died because of a shotgun blast from him from being all nervous) discovered by two Christian boys and the always beautiful Liv Tyler screaming her lungs out in what maybe the scariest part of the film, which is sad to say the only scary part.

If you want to make movies and money out of real life stories, spruce it up, not make it like reality, since no one wants to watch that stuff.

And in the end I fell asleep while thinking how bad that movie is.


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